
It has been a grueling week, almost too much to handle, but The Good Lord and help from My Better Half and my cleaning friend, Carmen, got me through.  I had direct orders from my “grandson” to “do something fun,” so yesterday we went to our default family grill just up the street about a mile and had a light breakfast- -light for Diana’s, which usually offers a Country Boy Breakfast–use your imagination. Then we went to a nearby town to an estate sale. We bought a few useful items (no big purchases) and decided to return Sunday at one to see if the massage chair (which we don’t  really have room for) was still available and like all other items Sunday ,75% off.  We went back today after church, and it had been sold.  I did find some jewelry I couldn’t live without (at 75% off, remember) and a nice, white bookshelf for $7.50, a steal!

This past two weeks I finished reading the following:

The Good American, a coming-to-America-story, which I reviewed recently on this blog.

Jo Jo Meyer’s Paris For One,a novelette accompanied by several short stories which was good pick-up-put-down, escape reading.  This will  be reviewed this coming week.

I continued to read:

Poetic Rituals by Ritu Bhatal, a blogging friend ,who offers welcome relief from the stress and angst of daily life. I am reading her poems about love and its various forms right now and enjoying them immensely.

Daughter of Time (which is Truth), mentioned last time, which I will probably finish tonight or tomorrow.

The second novel of a friend, The Address, written by Fiona Davis, a New York, NY dweller who writes about famous buildings that are not only settings but practically  characters in her stories and mysteries. I should finish it this coming week.

Notes from A Small Dog by Ani , the dog, and told from her and her owner’s points of view.  It is on my Kindle app, and I should finish it soon. Look for a review.

I have begun Our America: A Hispanic History of the United States by Felipe Fernando-Armesto, my sole attempt to read more non-fiction besides the heart-warming book by Ani.

What I watched:

Very little TV

The Shack, which I read in print years ago, and was surprised to find I liked the movie MUCH better (probably because of the actress who played God, the “Father” part of the Trinity.  I also liked the actor who played Jesus, The Son, as well, especially since it was played by an Arabian-ethnic actor. The younger woman who played The Spirit, the third part of The Trinity ,was excellent also, much better than in the book, where the Spirit reminded me of Ariel or Tinkerbell.

Most of the time I was watching or reading was out of defense from all the school-related reading and work I was doing.  Thankfully, books and the movie provided me with an outlet and a release from the stress I was putting on myself. With two days of R&R and two “fun things” plus a little “cooking for therapy,” I feel like I am caught up and ready to face another week and “Go get ’em.”

Author: Rae Longest

This year (2019) finds me with 50 plus years of teaching "under my belt." I have taught all levels from pre-K "(library lady" or "book lady"--volunteer) to juniors, seniors, and graduate students enrolled in my Advanced Writing class at the university where I have just completed 30 years. My first paying teaching job was junior high, and I spent 13 years with ages 12-13, the "difficult years." I had some of the "funnest" experiences with this age group. When I was no longer the "young, fun teacher," I taught in an elementary school setting before sixth graders went on to junior high, teaching language arts blocs, an assignment that was a "dream-fit" for me. After completing graduate school in my 40s, I went on to community college, then university teaching. Just as teaching is "in my blood," so is a passion for reading, writing, libraries, and everything bookish. This blog will be open to anyone who loves books, promotes literacy and wants to "come out and play."

10 thoughts on “Every-Other-Sunday-(Evening)-Post”

  1. Wow – what a lot of bargains to be had! I’m glad you enjoyed the JoJo Moyes book – I love her writing. I’m delighted that you managed some entertaining activities during the week-end to recharge your batteries, which I’m sure need recharging! Hope this week back in the saddle is not too testing…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. 7:00 p.m. and all is well! LOL Guess I’m going to make it. I even plan to watch Saturday’s Rick Steves’ Europe recorded from PBS on Tuscany. I’ve heard it’s beautiful.


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