Hunger games..?

Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

Tonight, I feast! That was the plan,
The cupboard, though, was bare.
The little ice-box and the fridge?
No, there was nothing there…

I fancied something full of taste
I dish that I could savour,
With only mouldy bread in stock
I sought another flavour.

The dog, of course, is well supplied,
With treat and meat and biscuit,
And though her dinner smelled quite good
I thought I shouldn’t risk it.

The small dog isn’t small at all,
She eats whatever’s going
(And probably some other stuff
I have no way of knowing.)

She eats my food and all her own
With laughing eyes and cheek.
She’s plump and healthy, glossy coat…
In fact, she looks quite sleek….

I took a long look at the dog
But know I couldn’t roast her…*
I’ll cut the green bits off the bread
And shove it in the toaster.

*For a start, she…

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Author: Rae Longest

This year (2019) finds me with 50 plus years of teaching "under my belt." I have taught all levels from pre-K "(library lady" or "book lady"--volunteer) to juniors, seniors, and graduate students enrolled in my Advanced Writing class at the university where I have just completed 30 years. My first paying teaching job was junior high, and I spent 13 years with ages 12-13, the "difficult years." I had some of the "funnest" experiences with this age group. When I was no longer the "young, fun teacher," I taught in an elementary school setting before sixth graders went on to junior high, teaching language arts blocs, an assignment that was a "dream-fit" for me. After completing graduate school in my 40s, I went on to community college, then university teaching. Just as teaching is "in my blood," so is a passion for reading, writing, libraries, and everything bookish. This blog will be open to anyone who loves books, promotes literacy and wants to "come out and play."

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